Nicole A. Vasilevsky bio photo

Nicole A. Vasilevsky

Associate Director of Data Science, Critical Path Institute

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I am the Associate Director of Data Science at the Critical Path Institute, which maximizes the value of rare disease patient-level data through curation, standardization and sharing of data; integration across data sources and types; and creation of drug development tools. My goal is to leverage my expertise in ontology development, data standards and annotation application to lead a team of data scientists to develop and implement a data curation pipeline utilizing the organization’s knowledge graph and proof-of-concept rare disease application ontology (CPONT). I am a curator for the Mondo Disease Ontology, a semantic standard for disease classifications and definitions. Additionally, I am active in educational efforts in data management best practices and data science, including the OBO Academy.


Ontology development

Educational Materials

Select Biocuration projects

  • Monarch Initiative: a system that allows for cross-species disease discovery
  • Gabriella Miller Kids First Data Resource: a data resource portal containing data about pediatric cancers and structural abnormalities
  • CRAFT corpus: The Colorado Richly Annotated Full Text Corpus (CRAFT) is a manually annotated corpus consisting of 67 full-text biomedical journal articles.
  • Center for Cancer Data Harmonization: The CCDH will work with the National Cancer Institute Cancer Research Data Commons to make cancer research data more useful and accessible.